The NYPD has a long and awful history of abusing the citizens of New York City. In fact, in 2012 the City of New York will pay out $735 million dollars to citizens who have been abused by the NYPD. Cases like the Diallo case, Louima case, and more recently where an unarmed man was shot and killed on the Grand Central in his car and had no weapon.
These abuses have been documented by the Knapp Commission and various other reports that have shown how much the NYPD abuses its power and the citizens they are sworn to protect. Each year, thousands of people file suit against the NYPD for various abuses.
In one particularly difficult case, the victim, a woman who had never been in trouble was arrested for smoking marijuana, held at the precinct for 4 hours, denied her medication and had to be taken to the hospital to save her life. Her pleas for her medicine were continually ignored. This should not happen in a civilized society. If you have been abused by the NYPD at 917-519-8417.